Ranchita Real
Ranchita Real Estate is located in the middle of the Ranchita Business District.
Ranchita Real Estate is the author of this web site. The primary purposes of this site are: the sale of property and the promotion of Ranchita. The latest Ranchita Real Estate listings and descriptions will be displayed. In addition to our commercial aspect, we hope to provide a list of vendors who are either residents of Ranchita or 'Ranchita friendly' with regards to their services and attitude.
The office is open most days a week, closed when no one calls me.
Joe Rauh is the broker, and lone staff of the Ranchita Real Estate office.
Ranchita Real Estate was created when the late Bill Wharton passed away in September of 2009, taking with him the name of Ranchita Realty. A new name was created, but the same dedication and service to community are being honored.
Ranchita Real Estate is a small independent real estate office which services the Montezuma Valley including Ranchita and San Felipe. On occasion, I will do work outside of the valley for friends and neighbors. I provide a unique service to my neighbors, and buyers and sellers in the region between Borrego Springs and Warner Springs..